Statement by the Most Rev. David A. Konderla
On the Testimony of His Excellency Carlo Maria Viganò August 27, 2018
On Sunday, August 26, 2018, the Most. Rev. David A. Konderla, Bishop of the Diocese of Tulsa & Eastern Oklahoma, commented on his personal Facebook page concerning the eleven-page testimony given by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò. The full statement, which included a link to the testimony, follows:
I count myself blessed that it was Archbishop Viganò who called me to tell me that I was appointed fourth bishop of Tulsa. The allegations he details mark a good place to begin the investigations that must happen in order for us to restore holiness and accountability to the leadership of the Church.
Now is the time for us to re-double our prayers for the church and for the victims of these crimes.
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle.
Bishop David Konderla
Commenting further, Bishop Konderla stated today, “As a people of faith, we must have the patience and prudence necessary to allow these allegations to be thoroughly investigated in order that whatever truth they may contain may come to light and justice be served.”
The statement by Bishop Konderla on the testimony of Archbishop Viganò follows previous concerns and calls to action concerning allegations of abuse in the Church.
On August 2, 2018, commenting on the allegations of abuse against now Archbishop Theodore McCarrick, Bishop Konderla wrote the accusations “reveal a serious and concerning problem in the Church” and “such behavior cannot be tolerated in the Body of Christ.” The Bishop invited the faithful in the Diocese to pray the “Novena of Saint Michael for the protection, healing, and unity of the Church.”
On August 17, 2018, commenting on the Grand Jury Report out of Pennsylvania, Bishop Konderla wrote, “I promise you and the people in Eastern Oklahoma that I will work with my brother bishops to eradicate this evil, to erect structures of accountability, especially for us bishops, and to strive toward holiness.” He also stated he would “observe Fridays as days of fasting and penance with particular prayer for victims of abuse anywhere that it occurs.” He also encouraged the Christian Faithful to do “acts of spiritual reparation in order to affirm the integrity of the Church's mission through personal holiness and virtue in consideration of the victims and their relatives.”
In a statement released on August 24, 2018, the Diocese made the following commitment: “Recalling the words of St. Paul, the Diocese of Tulsa will ‘take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but [will] instead expose them’ to the light (Eph 5:11).” The statement further read, “Bishop Konderla and all those who serve in the Diocese will pray as if everything depended upon God and will work as if everything depended upon them until this wickedness is removed from the Church and the victims of abuse have their justice and healing.”
The Diocese of Tulsa & Eastern Oklahoma encourages anyone who knows of the abuse of a minor to contact the Oklahoma Department of Human Services statewide child abuse hotline (1-800-522-3511), or if anyone suspects that a vulnerable adult is the victim of abuse, neglect, or exploitation, to contact the local DHS County Officer or, if outside business hours, call the hotline (1-800-522-3511), and, if wanting to report either to the Diocese, please contact the Pastoral Response Hotline (918-307-4970). The document governing all safe environment efforts entitled Policies & Procedures for the Protection of Children & Young People for the Diocese is available on the diocesan website,
Previous statements are available on the Diocese of Tulsa & Eastern Oklahoma website and by contacting:
Dave Crenshaw
Director of Communications, Diocese of Tulsa & Eastern Oklahoma
(918) 307-4920
[email protected],