May 13, 2016 - The Diocese of Tulsa - her priests and deacons, her religious and her lay faithful - give thanks to God and rejoice that His Holiness Pope Francis has named Father David Konderla, 55, as the fourth Bishop of Tulsa.
Bishop-Elect Konderla is the second of twelve children, the son of David and the late Ann Konderla. He grew up in Bryan, Texas; graduated from Bryan High School in 1978 and worked for several years as a machinist before entering the seminary in 1985. He was ordained on June 3, 1995, after graduating from the University of Dallas in 1989 and having earned a Masters of Divinity from the University of St. Thomas and St. Mary's Seminary, in Houston.
Father Konderla served at St. Louis Parish in Austin and St. Luke's Parish in Temple before his assignment as associate pastor of St. Mary's in College Station. After four years there, he was named the Vocation Director for the Diocese of Austin, where he served the diocese another four years returning to St. Mary's as pastor and Director of Campus Ministry in August 2005. Other diocesan assignments include: member, priests’ personnel board, 2004-2011; member, vocations team, 2006; member, presbyteral council (2008-present) and interim presbyteral council (2010); member, College of Consultors, Austin, Texas.
Tentative plans call for the ordination and installation of Bishop-Elect Konderla at the end of June, at which time he will replace Bishop Edward Slattery, who turned 75 last August 11. Of his successor Bishop Slattery said: “Today with the announcement of my successor as the Bishop of Tulsa, Bishop-Elect David Konderla, my heart turns to Christ with sentiments of gratitude and joy for his constant Presence in my life and in the life of the Church. My prayer of petition to God the Father is for the good health and spiritual strength of the new Bishop. I know our people have been praying that Pope Francis would send us an energetic and prayerful man to be our shepherd, and I believe God has heard our prayer.”
Bishop-Elect Konderla will be at Catholic Charities Padre Pio Helping Center, 2450 North Harvard Avenue, Tulsa, assisting in the distribution of food from 11:40 a.m. and the press is invited. A press conference with questions and answers will follow at 12 noon. Unfortunately because of time restraints, there will be no individual interviews today but if you would like to arrange one, please feel free to contact Msgr. Pat. Brankin at or 918-307-4955.