Wednesday, October 30, 2024 Wednesday of the 30th Week in Ordinary Time
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
In our Diocese of Tulsa and Eastern Oklahoma, we observe five Holy Days of Obligation where all the faithful are obliged to participate in holy Mass, in addition to every Sunday. They are the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary (December 8), the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ (December 25), the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God (January 1), the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (August 15), and the Solemnity of All Saints (November 1).
Since in 2024, the Second Sunday of Advent falls on December 8th, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception has been transferred to Monday, December 9th.
In the past, this transfer of the feast would have meant that the obligation of the faithful to participate in Mass was removed, however, the Holy See recently clarified that the obligation remains. Meaning that all Catholics should participate in Mass on both Sunday, December 8th and also on Monday, December 9th. Yet, as we are prepare to begin a new liturgical year this Advent, I am keenly aware that many families and parishes have already determined their schedules for December and that the short notice of this change would cause harm to the spiritual good of the faithful. Therefore, in accord with canon 87, §1, I hereby grant a dispensation from the obligation to participate in Mass on December 9, 2024, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, throughout the territory of the Diocese of Tulsa.
Please note two things, first, that I strongly recommend that all the faithful who are able should willingly participate in Mass on December 9th since it is the patronal feast of our nation, although not obliged to do so. Secondly, this dispensation is only for this year. In the future, we will abide by the clarification from the Holy See and maintain the obligation when this situation arises again.
Be assured of my prayers and I invite you to join me in praying through the intercession of our Lady, the Immaculate Conception, for the Church and for our country!
Sincerely yours in Christ,
+ Most Rev. David A. Konderla Bishop of Tulsa and Eastern Oklahoma