Discovering your vocation is like crossing a wide creek. The distance from one side of the bank to the other is far too great for a single leap. Just looking at it often causes one to say, “Nope, not possible.” Fortunately, there are some stones just beneath water’s surface. They are so placed that with a good leap from one to another you can eventually make it all the way across the creek.
If you’re staring at the water, the stones can be difficult to locate. It takes someone who knows the area well to point them out. Translation: when discerning your vocation, you need a good guide to offer direction, encouragement, and accountability along the way. That’s what we’re here for!
The discernment process will help you grow closer to Christ, whether or not you're called to priesthood or religious life. If you are called, it offers a step-by-step guide to each new phase of discernment and formation.
Clarity in knowing your God-given vocation
Peace in knowing you are open and willing
Excitement about what is in store for your life
Increased ability to discern all sorts of decisions
A deeper understanding of priesthood and religious life
Increased virtue
Better prepared for marriage if that is your call
And most importantly, growth in your relationship with God