SUBJECT: New Priests Assignments
FROM: Fr. Elkin J. Gonzalez, VG.
TO: Priests, Deacons, Religious, Seminarians Deacon Candidates, and Chancery Personnel
SENT BY: Harrison Garlick, Chancellor ~
DATE: April 24, 2017, St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen, priest and martyr
Most Rev. David A. Konderla has announced the following priests' assignments:
I. Fr. Michael Knipe, current Pastor of St. Joseph in Muskogee and Judicial Vicar will serve as Pastor of Sts. Peter and Paul in Tulsa in addition to his duties as Judicial Vicar, effective July 1.
2. Fr. Tim Davison, current Pastor of Sts. Peter and Paul, will take a sabbatical year near his relatives in Ohio, effective July 1.
3. Fr. Jim Caldwell, current Pastor of St. Monica and St. Augustine will serve as Pastor of Immaculate Conception in Poteau, St. Joseph in Stigler, and St. Elizabeth in Spiro, effective July 8.
4. Fr. Valentine Ndebilie, current Pastor of Immaculate Conception in Poteau, St. Joseph in Stigler, and St. Elizabeth in Spiro will serve as Pastor of St. Mark in Pryor and St. Frances of Rome in Langley, effective July 8.
5. Fr. Celestine Obidiegwu, current Pastor of St. Mark in Pryor and St. Frances of Rome in Langley will serve as Pastor of St. Monica and St. Augustine, effective July 8.
6. Fr. Richard Cristler, current of Pastor of St. Therese in Collinsville will serve as Pastor of St. Joseph in Muskogee, effective July 1.
7. Fr. Ernesto Calvillo, current Associate Pastor of St. John Before the Latin Gate in Bartlesville and Coordinator of the Hispanic Apostolate will serve as Pastor of St. Therese in Collinsville in addition to his duties as Coordinator of the Hispanic Apostolate, effective July 1.
8. Fr. Michael Pratt, current Pastor of St. John Before the Latin Gate in Bartlesville will serve as Director of Vocations and Diocesan Delegate for Religious and Consecrated Life. He will be in residence at the Church of Madelene and oversee the apostolate of Damien House, effective July 1.
9. Fr. John O'Neill, current Associate Pastor of St. Benedict and Coordinator of Rural Outreach will serve as Pastor of St. John before the Latin Gate in Bartlesville in addition to his duties as Coordinator of Rural Outreach, effective July 1.
10. Fr. Sean O'Brien, will serve as Associate Pastor of St. Anne in Broken Arrow, effective August 1.
II. Dcn. Duy Nguyen, to be ordained on May 27, 2017, will serve as Associate Pastor of the Church of St. Mary and part-time chaplain at Bishop Kelley High School, effective July 1.
12. Dcn. David Webb, to be ordained on May 27, 2017, will serve as Associate Pastor of Christ the King and part-time chaplain at Bishop Kelley High School, effective August 1.
13. Den. Juan Grajeda, to be ordained on June 24, 2017, will serve as Associate Pastor of St. John Before the Latin Gate in Bartlesville, effective July 3.
14. Fr. Lawrence Nwachuckwu, a priest of the Archdiocese of Owerri in Nigeria will temporarily serve in the Diocese of Tulsa as Associate Pastor of St. John the Evangelist in Stillwater, effective May 1, 2017.
15. Fr. Juan A. Hernandez, will coordinate the work of the Hispanic Apostolate at St. Cecilia in Claremore, in addition to his work in Grove and Stilwell.
16. Fr. Robert Dye will continue the work of the Hispanic Apostolate in Heavener and McAlester with residence at St. John in McAlester.
Fr. Brian O'Brien and Fr. Todd Nance will no longer serve as Prefect of Damien House and Chaplain of Bishop Kelley respectively. Fr. O'Brien will reside at the Church of Madalene, effective July 1.